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Technosteel Australia Directors Roy Adcock (left) and Geoff Cook … using steel framing made from TRUECORE® steel
Thinking Outside the Square
Technosteel Australia has helped hundreds of Australian owner builders achieve their dream homes over the past 15 years by thinking outside the square box.
As well as helping owner builders design fully engineered steel frame houses, the company also supplies the lightweight steel frames and offers ongoing support with assembly and construction if needed.
Director Geoff Cook says Technosteel Australia specialises in original, creative house designs and curved trusses.
"Often owner builders want something different, not a square box," he says. "At the same time, they want something that is easy to construct and doesn't require a lot of skills."
Geoff says that while it generally takes longer for an unqualified builder to construct his or her own home, for those who do there can be savings of up to 30 per cent.
Technosteel uses steel framing made from TRUECORE® steel from BlueScope Steel because lightweight steel does not warp, is termite proof and is easy to lift and put in place.
Geoff says framing made from TRUECORE® steel is of excellent quality and backed by a 50 year warranty*. He says owner builders often research the construction process extensively online before approaching Technosteel with initial designs or thoughts.
"We take them through their plans in general and make suggestions and revisions based on experience. We tell them what works and what doesn't. We also establish a fairly close relationship with each of the builders."
Often Technosteel staff will spend a few hours onsite with clients supervising their initial work and helping assemble the steel frames. After that, they are on hand to solve any problems clients encounter.
Geoff says owner builders are often tradespeople, such as fabricators or toolmakers. "They work with their hands and see building a house as an extension of their own trade."
Owner builders have often harboured a dream to build their own home for years.
"They want to do most of the work themselves and they want to enjoy a sense of pride at building their own home," Geoff says. "We're basically here to help them push the design boundaries and help them build their dream home."
Geoff says Technosteel Australia joined BlueScope Steel's Brand Partnership Program to leverage off BlueScope Steel's reputation, and to tie the quality of his company's products and services to the perceived quality, strength and support offered by the BlueScope Steel brand.
"BlueScope Steel has got recognition in the market as being a quality product. They're also doing some fairly aggressive promotion on television and that helps us as a Steel Supplied By member."
Geoff says Technosteel Australia uses Steel Supplied By stickers on all correspondence it sends out to reinforce the company's association with BlueScope Steel and its quality products.
* Warranty subject to terms and conditions. See our page Warranties for Piece of Mind.
For further information contact:
Geoff Cook
Technosteel Australia
Ph: 1300 553 457