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Can I paint COLORBOND® steel?
Yes. But before you do, clean the surface. This can be done using a mop or soft bristle brush with non-ionic detergent (such as kitchen detergent) and water. The surface should then be hosed down thoroughly with water and allowed to dry.
If the surface is new, it may contain some residual lubricants from the roll forming process. These should also be removed using the procedure outlined above. If possible, new surfaces can be sanded lightly to enhance paint adhesion. This is not required on older, weathered COLORBOND® steel.
Once the surface is clean, you can directly overpaint it using two coats (preferably) of a good quality water-based exterior acrylic. Please follow the manufacturer's instructions. If the steel is being used to catch drinking water, also check with the manufacturer that the paint is suitable for this purpose.
It's important to note that overpainting COLORBOND® steel will void any warranties issued by BlueScope Steel. Should, for any reason, overpainting be undertaken on behalf of and under instruction from BlueScope Steel, then a future warranty (if any) position will be negotiated between the customer and BlueScope Steel.
This information is intended as a guide only. For more information, Download Technical Bulletin TB 2 - Overpainting and Restoration of Exterior BlueScope Coated Steel Products.
Will contact with timber, including treated pine, affect COLORBOND® steel?
Green timber or timber treated with copper chromium arsenic (CCA) should not come into direct contact with galvanized steel, ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel because acidic substances from these timbers have a corrosive effect on the metallic coating. The time of wetness of the metal surface is a factor in the overall corrosion mechanism (the longer the product is wet, the greater the corrosion).
Even run off from CCA treated timber can contain corrosive leachate which will cause corrosion if it contacts galvanized steel, ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel.
BlueScope Steel recommend against the use of CCA treated timbers for high moisture situations such as roof and ceiling batons, composite fence constructions and built up flooring or external decking which may utilise a metallic coated steel structural support system.
If CCA treated timbers must be used, the timber and/or steelwork must be sealed by fully painting the material prior to installation.
The use of kiln dried or appropriate dried timber species is recommended for any situation where intimate contact between the metallic coated steel and timber is considered.
For more information, please Download Corrosion Technical Bulletin CTB 13 - Contact With Timber
What do I need to be aware of when installing COLORBOND® steel? How can I safely cut products made from COLORBOND® steel?
When sheets need to be cut on site the most suitable technique is with nibblers or power saws with metal cutting blades (tin snips can be used although they are difficult to use on profiled sheeting). The use of cutting discs and grinding wheels is not recommended as they generate very hot particles which can damage the coating.
BlueScope Steel recommends the use of cold cutting saw with appropriate blades
- Don't forget to clean up each day. Offcuts and other metal scraps, such as pop rivet stems and fasteners, if left on COLORBOND® steel, may cause rust stains which detract from the finished appearance. Swarf (steel debris produced by drilling and cutting etc) should be swept or hosed from the job each day.
- Care should be taken if hosing off a roof into gutters already installed. The swarf should not be left to sit in the gutters. Maximum care should be taken when attempting to detach swarf which has become stuck. This can be done, but no action which is likely to remove the paint or metal coatings should be attempted. For critical applications, inspection of the job should be made after two weeks when rain or condensation will have caused any remaining swarf to rust, and will highlight affected areas for a more thorough cleanup.
- Sheets should not be dragged across others as scratching will result. Spray packs should not be used to repair any scratches. The paint fades differently. Small scratches are best left alone. If the damage is severe it is best to replace the panel.
- Never use black lead pencils for marking galvanised, ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel. Black lead pencils are made from graphite which will react with the coating on these products resulting in corrosion of the coating. The answer is to use any colour pencil but black and clean off any markings as soon as possible.
- This information is intended as a guide only. For detailed assistance with your particular application, please contact us.
Will acid cleaning of my brickwork damage products made from COLORBOND® steel?
When brickwork is completed it is usual to clean excess mortar from the brick surface with an acid solution. If this acid contacts prepainted steel sheeting and gutters, early failure of the paint and corrosion of the metal can occur. The acid can pass through the paint coating at tension bends and attack the metallic coating below.
Acid leaching of pigment directly from paint coatings subjected to acid splash will result in unsightly "bleached" stained areas which will further deteriorate and lead to corrosion.
Acid cleaning of brickwork associated with two storey construction may often pick up lead from lead flashings and re-deposit with sand from the mortar, within the roof gutters. Corrosion of the guttering rapidly follows.
BlueScope Steel recommends that wherever possible acid cleaning should not be conducted after the installation of metallic coated and prepainted steel building components (eg roofing & guttering). However, when this is not possible it is recommended that the areas be appropriately masked during the acid cleaning operation. Where the possibility of splashing the steel component with acid appears to be present, the item should be thoroughly wetted prior to the application of the acid to the adjacent brickwork and then thoroughly washed a number of times, working from the top of the brickwork to allow complete removal of the spent acid products.
For further information, please Download Corrosion Technical Bulletin CTB 15 - Acid Cleaning Brickwork.
Once installed, how should I look after my COLORBOND® steel?
Please view our page: Maintain COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel
Can I use touch up paint on COLORBOND® steel?
BlueScope Steel does not recommend the use of touch up paints on COLORBOND® steel. The manufacturing process that gives COLORBOND® steel its colour and gloss retention properties means that the surface weathers differently to air-drying paint. After weathering, the areas which have been touched up will look different and can leave a blotchy look.
How do I know I am getting genuine COLORBOND® steel, ZINCALUME® steel or GALVASPAN® steel?
Where it's appropriate to place branding, products manufactured from COLORBOND® steel, ZINCALUME® steel and GALVASPAN® steel can be identified by the "branding" depicted below. Fencing made from COLORBOND® steel will be laser engraved with the COLORBOND® steel logo. also shown below.
Look for the brand that identifies the long lasting guaranteed performance of genuine BlueScope Steel.
What other building materials can I use alongside COLORBOND® steel? What metals are OK to use in contact with COLORBOND® steel and what should I avoid?
Do not allow any metals other than aluminium, galvanised steel, ZINCALUME® steel or zinc to come into direct contact with COLORBOND® steel. Any direct contact between any other metals (eg. copper and lead) and COLORBOND® steel can result in corrosion. Especially take note of the following:
- Copper pipes and lead flashing should not come in direct contact with either ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel. If the building design is such that water will flow from lead flashing onto ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel, then the flashing should be painted.
- Water from copper pipes should not be directed onto COLORBOND® steel or ZINCALUME® steel.
- Stainless steel fixings and fixings containing copper should also not be used with ZINCALUME® steel or COLORBOND® steel.
- Fasteners conforming to AS3566 Class 3 or 4 are acceptable depending on the location of the product. If you have any questions, ask your supplier or contact us.
- This information is intended as a guide only. For more information, on our Corrosion Technical Bulletins, Download Corrosion Technical Bulletin CTB 12 - Dissimilar Metals.
What is the difference between COLORBOND® steel and imported steels?
The difference lies in performance requirements. COLORBOND® steel complies with a number of Australian Standards and was designed in Australia for Australian conditions. It is manufactured by BlueScope Steel, with a reputation second to none. COLORBOND® steel is not just powder coated steel. It is one of the most advanced steel products in the world, combining the outstanding anti corrosion performance of a ZINCALUME® steel base with a superior paint system. With imported steels you may not have all of these guarantees of quality.
Why can't I find any mention of the COLORBOND® steel colour I want? (ie Pale Terracotta, Torres Blue, Blue Ridge®, Ironbark, Bronze Olive or Saltbush).
Pale Terracotta, Torres Blue, Blue Ridge®, Ironbark, Bronze Olive or Saltbush is now discontinued as a standard colour for roofing & rainwater goods. Suppliers are still able to order non-standard colour from us, although price surcharges and/or minimum order requirements may apply. Please see our Find a Supplier page to find your nearest ten suppliers anywhere in Australia.