Your search for Guttering returned 43 results.
How do I fix a scratch on COLORBOND® steel?
Our recommendation is not to touch up. Minor scratching will not affect the life of the sheet and is rarely obvious to a casual observer. Should damage be substantial, replace the sheet. We particularly recommend against the use of spray cans, as these can result in overspraying of surrounding areas. The problem might not be immediately obvious, but since overspray paint weathers at a different rate to the oven dried paint on COLORBOND® steel you'll eventually be left with an unsightly blemish on the sheet.
Do you have any gutter installation and maintenance tips?
For practical tips on gutter installation and maintenance view Technical Bulletin TB 04 - Maintenance of exterior BlueScope coated steel products. Good care of your guttering starts before installation. We recommend that you view the guide and discuss the points with your builder prior to installation. Additionally, to confirm the authenticity of your purchase, ask your installer to show you the COLORBOND® steel brand mark printed on the inside of your guttering.
If I cut, drill or scratch COLORBOND® steel or ZINCALUME® steel, will it cause the exposed steel at the cut edge or scratch to rust?
BlueScope Steel recommend 'cold cutting' coated steel products. If this recommendation is followed, these products will 'self heal', that is, the zinc in the surrounding coating will protect the newly exposed edge. How does this happen? In the presence of moisture, a reaction occurs between the zinc and the steel which results in galvanic protection of the exposed steel, thereby inhibiting corrosion. The degree of protection depends on the thickness of the coating (the amount of zinc), and this is taken into account when Building Standards are formulated.